Kamis, 04 Juni 2015

mutants genetic gladiators build

                                                       Saber Mutants
MutantGenesMutant Combination
WarriorGene SaberElite: Warrior Nordic Knightmare
Cryonos[U]Gene SaberNo Elites
Nordic KnightmareGene SaberGene SaberBreed Warrior  + Warrior
Buck Maurice [L]Gene SaberGene SaberElite: Buck Maurice Nordic Knightmare
Zena[L]Gene SaberGene SaberElite: Zena + Nordic Knightmare
Blade Banshee [R]Gene SaberGene NecroWarrior  + Zombie
Bushi [R]Gene SaberGene NecroSpecific:Stealth Bot  + Zomborg
Ragnar[L]Gene SaberGene NecroElite: Ragnar + Leech Lord
EnforcerGene SaberGene CyberWarrior  + Robot
InterceptrixGene SaberGene CyberSpecific: Captain Bag o Bones + Terrordoll
General ChaosGene SaberGene CyberPvp S19, Elite: General Chaos + Android
Project X27[L]Gene SaberGene CyberElite: Project X27 + Nordic Knightmare
Honey BunnyGene SaberGene ZoomorphBeast  + Warrior
Sagittarius [Z]Gene SaberGene ZoomorphShop Only
HaggisGene SaberGene ZoomorphPvP S15, Elite: Haggis + Honey Bunny
Battletoad[L]Gene SaberGene ZoomorphElite: Battletoad + Honey Bunny
Martian Marauder [R]Gene SaberGene GalacticAlien  + Warrior
Galactic Guardian[L]Gene SaberGene GalacticElite: Galactic Guardian + Bounty Bug
Geminium[Z]Gene SaberGene GalacticNo Elite
ValkyrieGene SaberGene MythicWarrior  + Demon
Thor[L]Gene SaberGene Mythic5mil(Limited), Elite: Thor + Warrior or Demon
Azog[L]Gene SaberGene MythicElite: Azog + Nordic Knightmare
Tinker Blade[L]Gene SaberGene MythicElite: Tinker Blade + Valkyrie
Necro Mutants
MutantGenesMutant Combination
ZombieGene NecroElite: Zombie Leech Lord
Jack o LanternGene NecroHalloween Special(No Elite)
Dire DespotGene NecroGene SaberZombie  + Warrior
Captain BoB [R]Gene NecroGene SaberOnly Nordic Knightmare  + Undead Dragon
Micky Krueger[L]Gene NecroGene SaberElite: Micky Krueger + Dire Despot
G. Washington[U]Gene NecroGene SaberNo elite
Leech LordGene NecroGene NecroZombie  + Zombie
Crypt WraithGene NecroGene NecroPvP S10, Elites: Crypt Wraith Leech Lord
Cursed Rider[L]Gene NecroGene NecroElite: Cursed Rider + Leech Lord
Zomborg [R]Gene NecroGene CyberLeech Lord  + Android
Terrordoll [R]Gene NecroGene CyberSpecific :Undead Dragon  + Reptoid
Triple B-Pack[L]Gene NecroGene CyberElite: Triple B-Pack + Dead Bot
The Experiment[L]Gene NecroGene CyberElite: The Experiment + Android
Undead Dragon [R]Gene NecroGene ZoomorphLeech Lord  + Beast
Cancernia [Z]Gene NecroGene ZoomorphNot available(No Elite)
GhostmonautGene NecroGene GalacticZombie  + Alien
HumongousGene NecroGene GalacticPvP S16, Elite: Humongous + Leech Lord
Baron LundiGene NecroGene MythicZombie  + Demon
LichlockGene NecroGene MythicPvP S6, Elite: Lichlock Leech Lord
Rammerhead[Z]Gene NecroGene MythicNo Elite

Cyber Mutants
MutantGenesMutant Combinations
RobotGene CyberGotten from shop for 500 credits
Garuda[U]Gene CyberUnique and No Elites
C. Wrenchfury [R]Gene CyberGene SaberSpecific Parents:Terrordoll  + Bushi
The Plumber[U]Gene CyberGene SaberNo Elites
AndroidGene CyberGene CyberRobot  + Robot
GoliathGene CyberGene CyberInvite 10 new players and get them to level 5
H.U.M.A.N[L]Gene CyberGene CyberElite: H.U.M.A.N + Android
Dead BotGene CyberGene NecroRobot  + Zombie
Darkseer [R]Gene CyberGene NecroSpecific Parents:Bushi C. Wrenchfury
XenarachGene CyberGene NecroPvP S14, Elite: Xenarach + Dead Bot
Stealth Bot [R]Gene CyberGene SaberRobot  + Warrior
Dezinger[L]Gene CyberGene SaberElite Version: Dezinger + Android
Beetle BotGene CyberGene ZoomorphRobot  + Beast
Monocerus [L]Gene CyberGene ZoomorphNot available, Elite: Monocerus Android
Taurider[Z]Gene CyberGene ZoomorphNo Elite
ColossusGene CyberGene GalacticRobot  + Alien
Libraro [Z]Gene CyberGene GalacticShop only(No Elite)
InvadronGene CyberGene GalacticElite: Invadron + Android
Virgon [Z]Gene CyberGene MythicShop only(No Elite)
Deus Machina [R]Gene CyberGene MythicRobot  + Demon
Autonorush[L]Gene CyberGene MythicElite: Autonorush + Android
Halbeard[L]Gene CyberGene MythicElite: Halbeard + Android
Zoomorph Mutants 
MutantGenesMutant Combinations
BeastGene ZoomorphElite: Beast Kaiju Kitty
Easter GunnyGene ZoomorphUnique, no elite
Kaiju KittyGene ZoomorphGene ZoomorphBeast  + Beast
Master SplitterGene ZoomorphGene ZoomorphPvP S12, Elite: Master Splitter Beast
Psychoboar[L]Gene ZoomorphGene ZoomorphElite: Psychoboar + Kaiju Kitty
Rakshasa [R]Gene ZoomorphGene SaberBeast  + Warrior
Leohart [Z]Gene ZoomorphGene SaberShop only(No Elite)
CézanneGene ZoomorphGene SaberLimited Time: Mutant Slots
CerberusGene ZoomorphGene NecroBeast Zombie
ZombatGene ZoomorphGene NecroPvP S4, Elite: Zombat Beast
Cobrakai[L]Gene ZoomorphGene NecroElite: Cobrakai + Leech Lord
Louis XVI[U]Gene ZoomorphGene NecroNo Elite
Reptoid [R]Gene ZoomorphGene CyberBeast  + Robot
ArachnoGene ZoomorphGene CyberPvP S3, Elites: Arachno Android
MantidroidGene ZoomorphGene CyberSpecific: Rakshasa + Stealth Bot
Parasite QueenGene ZoomorphGene GalacticBeast  + Alien
SlashogGene ZoomorphGene GalacticPvP S21, Elite: Slashog + Parasite Queen
Cosmo Kong [L]Gene ZoomorphGene GalacticShop only
Genshiryoku[L]Gene ZoomorphGene GalacticElite: Genshiryoku + Astro Surfer
Exo Cookie[L]Gene ZoomorphGene GalacticElite: Exo Cookie + Kaiju Kitty
Dracus Nobilis [R]Gene ZoomorphGene MythicBeast  + Demon
Satyr ShamanGene ZoomorphGene MythicPvP S14, Elites: Satyr Shaman + Beast
Absolem[L]Gene ZoomorphGene MythicElite: Absolem + Kaiju Kitty
Kontiki[L]Gene ZoomorphGene MythicElite: Kontiki + Kaiju Kitty
Galactic Combinations
MutantGenesMutant Combinations
AlienGene GalacticElite: content_tooltip id=”131″] + Astro Surfer
Astro SurferGene GalacticGene GalacticAlien  + Alien
Super NovusGene GalacticGene GalacticPvP S9 – Elite: Super Novus  + Astro Surfer
Master Oida[L]Gene GalacticGene GalacticElite: Master Oida + Astro Surfer
Bounty BugGene GalacticGene SaberWarrior  + Alien
BehemothGene GalacticGene SaberPvP S7, Elite: Behemoth Nordic Knightmare
Tutti Gooey [R]Gene GalacticGene NecroAlien  + Zombie
SireniaGene GalacticGene NecroPvP S5, Elite: Sirenia Leech Lord
Devourer[R]Gene GalacticGene NecroSpecific Parents: Planet Cleaner + Zomborg
Planet Cleaner [R]Gene GalacticGene CyberAlien  + Robot
Sentry [L]Gene GalacticGene CyberShop only, Elite: Sentry Android
Exo Fish[Z]Gene GalacticGene CyberNo Elites
Xenos [R]Gene GalacticGene ZoomorphAlien  + Beast
Shell ShockGene GalacticGene ZoomorphPvP S8, Elite: Shell Shock Astro Surfer
Wampara[L]Gene GalacticGene ZoomorphElite: Wampara + Kaiju Kitty
NebulonGene GalacticGene MythicAlien  + Demon
Aquapunzel[Z]Gene GalacticGene MythicNo Elites
Mythical Mutants
MutantGenesMutant Combinations
DemonGene MythicElite: Demon Pit Lord
SnowmageGene MythicChristmas Special(No elite and not breedable)
Gandolphus [R]Gene MythicGene SaberDemon  + Warrior
Captain PeaceGene MythicGene SaberMutant Reactor(No Elites)
OriaxGene MythicGene SaberDownload Mutants App(iOS/Android)
Grim Reapress [R]Gene MythicGene NecroDemon  + Zombie
Prince Scorpion [Z]Gene MythicGene NecroShop Only(No Elites)
Anubis[L]Gene MythicGene NecroElite: Anubis + Leech Lord
Wicked Witch[L]Gene MythicGene NecroPvP S27, Elite: Wicked Witch + Leech lord
BankerGene MythicGene NecroN/A
Techno TaoistGene MythicGene CyberDemon  + Robot
MekaliGene MythicGene CyberPvP S11, Elite:Mekali Android
Bazzinger[L]Gene MythicGene CyberElite: Bazzinger + Android
MedusaGene MythicGene ZoomorphDemon  + Beast
Horus[R]Gene MythicGene ZoomorphSpecific: Dracus Nobilis + Pit Lord
C’thlig [R]Gene MythicGene GalacticDemon  + Alien
AzuriaGene MythicGene GalacticPvP S13, Elite: Azuria + Astro Surfer
Space Princess[L]Gene MythicGene GalacticElite: Space Princess + Astro Surfer
Pit LordGene MythicGene MythicDemon  + Demon
RetributionGene MythicGene MythicPvP S14, Elite: Retribution + Demon or Pit Lord
Blood Berry[L]Gene MythicGene MythicElite: Blood Berry + Pit Lord

You can breed mutants with better attack and health when you use stars. Stars can be gotten from campaign fights as prizes and also from PvP tournament prize. Of course, you can also buy them at the shop with real money.
Bronze Star
Bronze Mutant(+10% Attack and Health)
To breed a bronze mutant, you will need two level 10 mutants or higher and a bronze star to get a bronze version of whatever that comes out.
Silver Star
Silver Mutant(+30% Attack and Health)
To breed a silver mutant, you will need two bronze mutants that are level 15 or higher to get a silver version.
Gold Star
Gold Mutant(+75% Attack and Health)
To breed a gold mutant, it requires that you have two silver mutants that are level 20 or higher.
Please note that when you have a gold or silver mutant, you can use them to breed the bronze versions provided that they meet the level requirement of 10.

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